Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Today I want to tell you a little about me. I go to Diamond Oaks for Equine Science and Management. Every day I get to work with and take care of horses. I am currently training a pony named Nevada, and I have already trained her sister Sierra. I'm in 11th grade and Ive been ridding/working with horses since 8th grade. Ive also been volunteering at a therapeutic ridding center for disabled/special needs children for about two months now which I love doing. My favorite thing to do other than ridding horses is play soccer and hang out with my friends. The purpose of me making this blog though is to inform you of horses. I will be letting you know about what happens in the barn and giving information on horses from anatomy to ridding tips depending on the day so I hope you find this helpful. Thank you for reading!
PS. the pictures below are a few pics of horses I have been working with, or worked with over past few years. The first is muddy, the second is Zag, and the third picture is a picture of the mare and baby that was born at my school that we helped with and are training.

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